Professional Resume

Professional Resume Styles

There are a number of resume styles along with several differences. Your great experience and type of job you are searching for will assist you to find the resume style you use. Basically, there are 2-kind of styles : Functional skills resumes and Chronological resumes.

Some differences include the key themes of general, professional, engineering, business, academic, student or standard.

Chronological Resume includes work history in a reverse order (the recent experience first). This section includes few descriptive lines related to position responsibilities, generally written in one paragraph.


Such kinds of resumes are commonly accepted as they are simple/easy to read and they demonstrate a clear outline of your growth. However there are few drawbacks : it doesn't emphasize your main achievements and it doesn't successfully show your extra skills.

In case of Functional Resumes, they give emphasis to your accomplishments and skills rather than presenting the chronological list of your experience. Your skills and accomplishments are mentioned at the opening.

Your work history is mentioned at your resume end. Such kind of resume lets you to attract attention to accomplishments. The main drawback is that a potential employer may find it complicated to catch on work history.

But several people realize that the combination of these 2 types of resumes is one of the best ways to perform.

Professional Resume

Writing Professional Resume
Professional Resume Writing
Professional Resume Templates
Professional Resume Cover Letter
How to Write Professional Resume
Professional Resume Format
Professional Resume Objective
Professional Resume Advice
Professional Resume References
Professional Resume Writing Tips
Professional Functional Resume
Professional Chronological Resume
Professional Resume Styles

Specific Professional Resumes
Engineer Professional Resume
Marketing Professional resume
Sales Professional Resume
Accounting Professional Resume
Engineering Professional Resume
HR Professional Resume
Professional Teacher Resume
Professional Manager Resume
Professional Executive Resume
Professional Nursing Resume
Professional Student Resume
Professional Retail Resume
Finance Professional Resume
Customer Service Professional Resume
Entry Level Professional Resume
Security Professional Resume
Professional Business Resume
Oracle Certified Professional Resume
Consulting Professional Resume
Actor Professional Resume
Professional Medical Resume
Professional Administrative Assistant Resume
IT Professional Resume

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